We like to think of ourselves as more than just a run of the mill brothel or sex hang out and we hold regular events such as live music, burlesque acts and even a quiz night. So come on in and join our select but friendly little group, you will be glad you did :)

http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sensual Heaven/234/160/22

Saturday, March 24, 2012

OMG! Second life has 'secret shoppers'!!!

Well, not really secret 'shoppers' but people who come along and review your sim.

I'm really pleased with the review that was left, we do strive to make everyone feel at home, we're certainly not pushy, oh, and we don't have any blue neon, or those awful pole dancing poles!

We like to think we're a unique second life sim, and venue, and our staff always like to keep our guests entertained.. why not drop by one day and find out for yourself?

Take a look at our review!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Music Venue!

Yay, here at Scandalous Desires, we love our live music, nearly as much as the shenanigans  we can get up to with our guests :)

That's why we're now listed on www.slmusicvenues.com!

If you're a singer, part of a duo or a group, we'd love to talk to you about performing at our brothel!

We have Nadine Morani playing for us every fortnight, on a Thursday at 2PM SLT, and we always have a lot of fun!

Check back here for updates on artistes we will featuring in the near future!